Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Ghoul Lord

Again, trying to do some more comic sci/fi fantasy pictures.  I recreated a great black & white ink drawing by Luigi Castellani (I think the picture works better with his stark black and white style).  There are things I like and things I do not but all in all, a successful exercise.

                              Watercolor Pen & Ink on 140 lbs block 9x12

Here is the pencil sketch (used a brown watercolor pencil) and the masking process for the sky.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Other Tree

I spend a lot of time giving love to my neighbor's tree, but we have a small, interesting tree of our own.  Here is a very quick sketch of the tree. I liked how the lights from the other neighbor's backyard highlighted the tree.

                                        Watercolor, Pen & Ink on paper

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Barney Gone Bad

Trying to do more original sci-fi/comic style art work.

                                 Watercolor and Pen & Ink on 140 lbs block 9x12

Monday, December 08, 2014

Body Builders -- multi-media

Back in the day when I was (power) lifting, I would read Muscle & Fitness, Flex and other similar magazines to see what crazy new lifts I could try out (because doing stuff called "skull crushers", "hang cleans" and "bam bams" was apparently not enough).  The magazines were also good for figure drawing references. Over the years, I have done many sketches, drawings and doodles based on the pages of these magazines. Recently, I tried doing something in watercolor.  And below that are host of other older drawings in other media.

                                     The other Jay Cutler watercolor


Grey markers

Prismacolor Markers

Monday, December 01, 2014

Neighbor's Tree -- Winter

I have not had the opportunity to get out and sketch, so I have returned to a favorite subject, my neighbor's backyard tree. Even without the lush greenery of Spring/Summer it is still a majestic subject.

I think I might paint a picture of this tree every month as a season study.

                                     Watercolor on 140 lbs paper 7x10